



吸血鬼的面部 is a regenerative medspa treatment that combines the proven effectiveness of microneedling with the healing properties of platelet-rich plasma to deliver a truly transformative result. 有时被称为“高级微针”,“这个在办公室里的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网可以澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网疤痕, 使肤色均匀, 改善皮肤质地, 消除细纹, 提升和紧致皮肤, 创造了一个年轻的, 明亮的发光.


吸血鬼面膜已经非常有效了(微针) 和 amplifies it while also cutting the healing time in half thanks to the powers of PRP. 医用微针使用一种带有微型的手持设备, 无菌针以不同的方式穿透皮肤, 可定制的深处. 的se micro-injuries stimulate the body’s natural wound-healing process, 皮肤在哪里释放生长因子并产生胶原蛋白.


的 glow from microneedling is caused by the influx of collagen 和 elastin that is created by this response, 让皮肤看起来更光滑, 比以前更年轻,更聪明. 通过局部应用PRP之前, 在你的微针澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网期间和之后, your body’s own growth factors 和 nutrients are able to quickly aid in the recovery of your skin 和 jumpstart collagen production.


PRP, 或富血小板血浆, is a small sample of your blood that is very highly concentrated with growth factors 和 healing properties. PRP is quickly 和 easily obtained in our office by drawing a small amount of your blood 和 extracting the most beneficial parts. 由于血小板(凝血细胞)浓度高, PRP is used across many medicinal disciplines as a way to promote tissue growth for wound healing, 受伤, 甚至可以改善和恢复关键的身体功能,比如 性的健康 和 头发的生长.


先进的微针 with PRP is commonly referred to as the “吸血鬼的面部” due to the use of human blood to regenerate the skin – but don’t be afraid! 先进的微针 with PRP is completely safe 和 painless to receive. This is an all-natural, well-established anti-aging remedy for the face, neck, 和 chest.


在微针中加入PRP, during 和 after treatment means you are getting the most reward at the most optimal times. 当PRP在微针之前应用于皮肤时, 微针笔将PRP推进真皮层深处, which tells your body to call even more growth factors to the area from the very onset of treatment. 等离子体也会使皮肤表面湿润, which allows the microneedling pen to glide over you skin with ease for an even, 统一的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网.

的 needles from the pen also create tiny micro-channels in the skin, meaning the PRP added throughout the treatment easily soaks in to the deepest parts of the dermal layer. We provide you with a container of your PRP for you to apply later, 这也有助于加快愈合过程在家里.


先进的微针 with PRP is typically performed for the face, neck, 和 chest. 第一个, we will perform a deep cleanse to prepare your skin for treatment. We will then apply a topical numbing anesthetic to ensure you are comfortable throughout the whole process. 当这些区域开始麻木, about 2 ml of your blood will be drawn from your arm by a member of our staff 和 placed into our Magellan PRP centrifuge for separation. While the PRP is being extracted from the blood sample, the numbing anesthetic will be removed.

Tatjana will then apply the PRP to your skin 和 begin the microneedling. 通常, an electronically-powered microneedling pen is used in a small circular fashion across the skin. 在某些情况下, 你的医学美容师 可能会选择使用面部滚筒而不是钢笔. 两种形式的胶原诱导疗法(CIT)都是有效的. 因为针头造成了可控的伤害, 除了PRP,你可能还会有一些针尖性出血. Tatjana will gently massage the blood 和 PRP mixture into the areas already needled so that the growth factors are reintroduced to the skin.



You will have downtime for a couple of days after this treatment before your skin returns to a normal-looking state. 直接用PRP微针, 你的皮肤会出现像晒伤一样的红肿, 感觉很紧, 又嫩又干. 你可能也会有类似晒伤的感觉.

Downtime for 先进的微针 with PRP can range between 2-5 days depending on your rate of healing. 随着红肿消退, your skin will begin to flake 和 dead skin will naturally peel away as newer, 取而代之的是更新鲜的皮肤.


How should you care for your skin after receiving 先进的微针 with PRP? You may be instructed to not use any of your regular skin care or cosmetic products for the first few days after treatment. 你的皮肤很娇嫩, 和 most products will do more harm than good during the first part of the healing process. 你会得到特殊的,医疗级的A或C & E oil to use on your skin for the first 3 days that will act like a superfood to your skin. 这种油, 温和的洗面奶, 和 water will be the only things we recommend you use until your skin heals.

You will want to avoid sun exposure 和 any harsh skin treatments during the healing period. 你的皮肤会有几天脱落, but any scrubs 和 exfoliation products should be avoided until your skin has fully healed. 你会在第一周内看到容光焕发的皮肤. 你会发现你的皮肤更清爽了, 更明亮的, 寻求, 比以前更柔软了, 和 you will see a continued appearance in overall skin quality in the days 和 weeks to come, 尤其是常规澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网!


的 唐纳森整形外科的医学美学专家 recommend an initial series of 6 treatments spaced out every other week. This cadence is important for maximized efficacy in the first few weeks of 先进的微针. Your skin will be transformed into tighter, smoother, newer-looking skin. After the initial 6 treatments, we recommend one treatment per month for maintenance.


Have additional questions about 先进的微针 or “吸血鬼的面部s” in Columbus, OH? 正在安排您的初次咨询? 我们的专家随时准备回答您的问题!
